Staff Benefits

We’re the kind of company that values doing interesting, important work over having fancy pool tables and bean bags.

We value being able to have our work and personal lives in a healthier balance over fridges of free beer for people who work late.

Therefore our benefits are fairly simple and focused more on what we value than what’s cool:

  • Pride: Work on significant things that make a positive impact.

  • Clear simple salary: Nobody is on commission or other contingent forms of pay. You know what you will earn.

  • Pension: with 5% staff contribution and 5% employers’ contribution.

  • Free Range: freedom to work where you work best, when you work best, on what you decide you need to work on. Work from home, cafes, co-working spaces, client offices — or anywhere you like and can be effective. Your work time can be flexed to balance it with the rest of life, so it’s easy to pick the kids up from school or whatever else you need to do.

  • Professional and personal development: Time and budget (peer-reviewed) to invest in yourself, attend conferences, read, take courses and more. We only do client work Monday to Thursday, and work on improving the business and ourselves on Fridays.

  • Trust. Everyone has a Convivio credit card. Never be out of pocket. Larger expenses are peer-reviewed rather than ‘authorised’ by management. An app is linked to the card, which makes filing receipts a breeze.

  • Save the planet. Planting trees is the single biggest positive thing that can be done to address climate change. We give 3% of our profits to a new forest project in the UK, and each spend 3 days a year there planting and tending it. You can use your 3 days on this project, or on any other volunteering project you choose.

  • Retreats: we get together once a quarter somewhere nice to work together on improving the business, and eat well.

  • Family weekenders: A chilled out celebration for everyone, in a nice family-friendly way. Once, sometimes twice, a year.

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