Mental Health
Here at Convivio we care about your mental health. We offer support in order to help reduce the stress and anxiety of mental health issues.
Often the hardest part of coming to terms with any problem is discussing it with colleagues and friends. If you do feel like talking to us as a team there are two places on Slack for this:
#general - often it's a good idea to just to chat generally, socialise with others, and this is a great way to connect with the rest of the team.
#mood - this is where we regularly share emojis, animated gifs and so on that illustrate our current mood. This is helpful because we can't see each other across the room to notice who is celebrating or who is looking low and might want a chat.
#safe-room - for things that are more sensitive, to talk about specific issues, or for things that may upset others, the safe room is an ideal place to chat. This is a private, invite-only channel and only contains employed staff of Convivio who currently feel in a state of mind where they can support others and are ready to listen.
Alternatively, you can talk to your buddy, or any colleague who you feel can you can open up to. We're all ready to support each other.
We also have trained Mental Health First Aiders in the company who can help. Please see Mental Health First Aid for more information.
For more resources please see Mental Health Resources.
Last updated