Help Card - Sprint Review
Timebox: 2 hours
At the end of every sprint we hold a review meeting. This is a chance for the delivery team to demonstrate all the user stories completed during the sprint.
There are a number of purposes to these meetings:
Communicate Communicate clearly to the Product Owner the stories that were completed during the sprint and the value they deliver. The PO and the team need to be clear what the sprint has achieved and how it’s contributed to the overall programme. Remember, this is more than just a status meeting.
Issues and Risks
Identify any issues or risks that are affecting, or likely to affect, progress, now or in the future so that we can act early.
Demonstrate Demonstrate progress to the wider client team to keep them informed and to encourage participation and feedback.
Sign-off Gain sign-off of all completed stories.
Who’s Involved
This is a mandatory meeting for the delivery team, the delivery manager and the product owner.
Delivery Team Demonstrates each user story in turn, describes how it meets the requirements and acceptance criteria.
Delivery Manager Runs the meeting, keeps the agenda, focus on objectives, takes notes for the sprint summary document.
Product Owner Mostly a spectator but welcome to ask questions and challenge the acceptance.
Guests Anyone is more than welcome.
Before the Meeting
Sprint planning is an intense day so it’s important to prepare properly.
Remind everyone of the location, time and duration of the meeting. Remind them that arriving on-time is late, and they need to arrive a few minutes early, so the meeting can start on time. Remind them of the Convivio meeting principles.
Set the room up with piles of sticky notes and pens on the table, and some good empty wallspace. Project the backlog/kanban board on the wall or a big screen. Make sure there is water and glasses, and a supply of coffee/tea nearby. Extra points for healthy snacks.
If it's a virtual room make sure everyone has the URLs they will need to refer to, such as the backlog, the kanban board, the demo videos, the hangout, etc.
There are four artefacts that the sprint review will produce or update:
Sprint Summary A document describing the intentions of the sprint, the outcome, risks, issues and the spend.
Invoice An invoice for this sprint (we invoice at the end of every sprint).
Budget Schedule An updated budget schedule.
Risk Register Reviewed and updated throughout the meeting.
Introduction (10 minutes)
Start the meeting on time.
Remind people of the purpose of the project, the key principles and goals, and the focus of this particular sprint.
Remind everyone of the purpose of this review meeting. (It's okay that a lot of this stuff will have been repeated at previous meetings, as it's important to keep reminding ourselves of this stuff. Maybe sometimes find ways to liven that up by presenting it differently.)
Run through a summary from the sprint, the stories completed, the incomplete stories and the value delivered.
Story Review (1 hour 15 mins)
Run through each story in the sprint:
What was delivered?
Does it meet the Acceptance Criteria and Definition of Done?
Do any notes on the story need updating?
Are there any blockers to capture?
What to do with the story now? Can it be marked Done Done or does it need to go back to the main product backlog? Does it need to be split into smaller stories? The sprint backlog needs to be empty by the end of this session.
Review the estimates for each story against the actual size of work for delivery. What can we learn to feed into our estimation process? Don't get bogged down into deep discussion about resolving blockers or risks at this stage - just capture any that come up
Importantly, make sure everyone enjoys the sprint review and that they focus on demonstrating the value and usefulness of the features we have built. Where possible or necessary help people to relate to the user stories by providing context and scenarios.
Blockers (~20 mins)
Review the current list of blockers and discuss how to address them. You may be able to resolve some; others may just lead to the creation of task cards to investigate them, which can be selected into a future sprint.
Risks (~10 mins)
What new risks have arisen?
What existing risks have changed in likelihood or impact?
Capture new risks, update existing risks in the risk register
Risk register: Convivio > Clients > Active Clients > Client Name
Plan (~5 mins)
When and where is the next sprint review meeting?
What tasks have been decided on and assigned? Capture them
Finish the meeting bang on time regardless of what hasn't been completed.
Become better at planning and chairing the next meeting.
Post Meeting and Sprint Closure
The sprint review meeting marks the end of a sprint. To close the sprint there are a number of things to complete:
Update the budget schedule
Update the actuals from this sprint to show the days for each team member and the cost for the sprint. Link to the budget schedule from the sprint review document.
Budget schedule stored in: Convivio > Clients > Active Clients > Client Name
See Budget template
Complete the sprint summary document
Sprint Summary: Convivio > Clients > Active Clients > Client Name
Create an invoice in Xero
Create a PDF version of the invoice and the sprint summary and email to the Product Owner together with a link to the budget schedule
Meeting Room
Book a meeting room for the next sprint review
Send invites to the delivery team and the product owner
Last updated